Parson Russell terrier and Comondor Obojky a vodítka Venchim

Parson Russell teriér a Komondor - of Beautiful Cold Hill

štěňata Parson Russell terrier a komondor

6 fenek
Datum narození: 19.1.2023

Parson Russell terrier


Wentdale Tom
smooth, tricolour
Jack Russell terrier

Kellford Clyde of Wentdale

Jimmy of Kellford

Rushill Clyde

Foxgrove Zeeta

Kellford Chloe of Wentdale

Foxgrove Murphy

Foxgrove Lady

Wentdale Trudy

Foxgrove Toby

Foxgrove Tosh

Foxgrove Ruby

Wentdale Tasha

Kellford Max of Wentdale

Foxgrove Ellie

XIA vom Hatzenbach
32cm, smooth, tricolour
PLL, LOA, JE clear
SCA carrier
PL 0/0
BAER +/+

Jack Russell terrier

Leo Von Der Klosterruine 35,5 cm
tricolour, smooth
PLL clear
PL 0
LOA clear
SCA carrier

Tireless Digger Jumper tricolour, rough

Sam of Rushill
tricolour, rough
32,5 cm
FW v

Kingsway Cinnamon
tricolour, broken

Bicester Tri tricolour, smooth
29 cm
PL 0/1
PLL clear
FW v

Floyd of Rushill
tricolour, smooth

Bicester Beanie
tricolour, smooth

Aki von der Ströher Heide
tricolour, smooth
FW v
PL 0

Kingsway Riggs

Gulabin's Roadrunner

Kingsway Cinnamon
tricolour, broken

Halla vom Hatzenbach
31,5 cm
tricolour, smooth
FW sg
PL 0
PLL clear
LOA clear
SCA clear

Sam of Rushill
tricolour, rough
32,5 cm
FW v

Vom Jagdrubin Jill
tricolour, smooth
34 cm
FW v

Staré Křečany, Česká Republika

Tel.: +420 737 432 814

FB My Way Terriers Tvorba www stránek pro chovatele